Many homeowners in Mount Pleasant are caught off guard after they receive their most recent power bill and find that it’s hundreds of dollars higher than average.
Don’t panic. There are good reasons your AC is causing such high utility bills – and solutions you can try to get the costs back down. Read on to find out why this is happening, and what you can do about it.
Reason #1 – Your AC is Old and Inefficient
An air conditioner that is older and inefficient is the #1 cause of high utility bills in the summer. Most AC units only last 10-15 years. After that, it simply wears out and consumes way more power to make the same cooling.
Does your AC hold more than 10 years of use? If this is the case, it is almost certainly extremely inefficient by contemporary standards. Modern AC units use as much as 50% less electricity than units made just 5-10 years ago. All that waste adds up to a lot on your power bill.
The best way to reduce your summer utility bills is to upgrade to a new, energy efficient AC unit. Your energy savings will allow a new unit to pay for itself in a few years.
Reason #2 – Your house is not insulated
Even the best A.C. will struggle to keep your house cool if its badly insulated. Heat and cold can seep through cracks and gaps in walls, ceilings, windows and doors. Your AC has to work around the clock making up the difference, which increases electricity use.
Examine your home’s insulation situation closely. Look for drafts near windows and doors. Inspect the attic, walls and crawl spaces for any holes. Outdated insulation such as fiberglass batts also becomes less effective as time passes.
Enhancing your home’s insulation can make a dramatic difference in your summer energy bills. Installing weatherstripping and caulking around windows are simple fixes. Adding to the benefits of replacing your insulation with modern materials in between your walls and in the attics.
Reason #3 – You Keep Your Home Cooler Than Needed
Do you set your thermostat to 68°F or lower in summer? When temperatures are very low, it feels great but takes a huge amount of electricity to do. A little bump up, and you’ll likely find surprising savings in your utility bills.
The perfect temperature setting to save on energy bills is about 78°, when the humidity is at a comfortable level.
Every degree up or down from that is a huge leap in energy production. If you’re accustomed to keeping the temperature cooler and find that uncomfortable, try: Set your thermostat to 78°F. Adjust to resistance over a couple of days.
You can also program your thermostat to a schedule, keeping temperatures high when you’re away or sleeping. Smart thermostats do this automatically and usefully. This makes sure that you’re only cooling to comfortable levels when you need to instead of 24/7.
Reason #4 – Your Ductwork Is Leaky
If your home’s ductwork has cracks, gaps or leaks, they’re allowing conditioned air to escape before it ever reaches your rooms. Your A.C. must work harder to keep up, running longer and consuming more electricity.
Check the ductwork carefully, particularly sections that run through unconditioned areas such as attics. That means checking for obvious disconnects and other openings that let air escape. Improving your current AC: Sealing these leaks with mastic paste or metal tape can make your current AC more efficient.
This would create additional leaks since it is running through old, rigid ductwork but replacing that old rigid sheet metal ducting with new, insulated flexible ducting would already reduce those leaks tremendously. Excess moisture that can lead to mold is avoided as well by insulated ducts.
Let Us Help!
If your insulation, ductwork or AC unit need an upgrade, MT Pleasant HVAC is here to provide assistance! We are insulation contractors and HVAC contractors in Mount Pleasant, SC and surrounding areas you can trust.
Contact our team today to evaluate your home’s status. We’ll tell you about the most affordable repairs and upgrades to reduce your energy use and utility bills.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is a bigger, more powerful AC unit all I need?
Not necessarily! An oversized unit will short cycle on and off, resulting in conditions that aren’t pleasant and bills that are higher than they need to be. And it also won’t dehumidify properly. The best way is to right-size your AC for your needs.
How do I know if I need more insulation in my home?
Signs such as drafts, rooms that are hard to cool/heat, large electric bills and moisture/mold show that the building insulation is not enough. An energy audit also looks at insulation levels and air leakage.
Should I actually consider replacing my old AC?
Absolutely! A new ENERGY STAR certified AC unit could save you $100 or more on your utility bills each year. It will also help keep you more comfortable with less to repair.
Should I be cleaning/replacing my AC filters regularly?
Yes! AC units run less efficiently if the filters are dirty, which forces your unit to work even harder. Replace or change filters each month as necessary. More dirt is trapped, and the high-quality pleated filters stay working longer.
What should I set my thermostat to at night?
You can allow higher night temperatures of around 5–7°F to save energy. 78°F is an optimal overnight setting in summer. Just keep it from getting too hot for sleeping comfortably.
Smart vs programmable thermostat: Which is best?
Smart thermostats are best! They adjust temperatures for you based on your schedule and preferences. Programmable Types must be adjusted manually on the temperature.